The best thing to clean a computer monitor screen is a moistened soft cloth using just water. Do not use any proprietary solvents on your screen as they may inadvertently get onto the plastic and crack it. See your monitor instructions for cleaning details.
Most modern operating systems have an accessibility feature which enables the user to increase the magnification of their computer screen so making work easier to see. Consider getting an anti-glare screen for your computer before you start your work at home data entry job. The anti-glare screen clips in front of your computer monitor screen and helps to reduce glare and radiation. These are not too expensive and could save you major problems in the future.
Reading glasses.
You may protest that your eyes are fine but if you are planning to do prolonged work with computers at home involving lots of data entry, you should certainly consider consider this option to save future eye problems. If you are buying a pair of reading glasses, you should go for +1.0 lenses for each eye. Reading glasses can be picked up almost anywhere these days and are relatively inexpensive.
Of course, if you are already prescribed a pair of glasses for reading then this doesn't apply to you but if you are prescribed a pair solely for distance vision then I would consider getting a spare pair specifically for data entry work and keeping them permanently at home beside your computer. Again, just as for your computer screen, keeping your glasses clean is of paramount importance.
Taking regular breaks from your data entry work is crucial for eye health. On your breaks, you should practice staring into both the middle distance and far distance and back again to keep your eye muscles in shape. Have regular check ups at your local optometry clinic to ensure you have no eye problems and inform them that you work at home doing home-based data entry jobs and they will advise you on the best aids for your eyes.
If you do find your eyes getting tired, take a break for at least an hour and a half. use either a proprietary brand of eye-wash or witch hazel to bring your eyes back into tip top condition, then lay in a darkened room with your eyes closed. If you follow this advice then your work at home data entry jobs will be a much more relaxing experience for both you and more importantly for your eyes.
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