Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Freelance Work From Home - Quickest Route to the Best Virtual Assistant Jobs

Laurence J. Peter said, "An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today."
The world is full of advice usually given by those that don't know to those who know even less. This is especially true on the internet. Everyone it seems goes online to find answers to everything from acne, how to train Rover not to piddle on the table leg to how to find freelance work from home.
The downside of getting bad or poor advice on Rover's problem or zits are likely to be minimal unless you have the zits and you are a teen. Still, little damage done except to the ego.
On the other hand, poor, misguided advice on freelance work from home can lead you to:
  • Large financial blunders.
  • Taking risks that are not needed.
  • Getting involved with shady characters who mean you nothing, but harm.
  • Wasting a bunch of time when you might have none to spare due to the urgency of your situation.
With some care and attention, you can get freelance work from home. I strongly urge you, before you set forth (I'll show you in a minute how) to take a little time and think of what YOU want. Not what the spouse wants, your mama or Joe at the golf course.
What do you want to do? For the first time in your life, you face the prospect of getting exactly what you want in your heart.
Even if, at the moment, you're a typist that wants to do typing at home because it is the only marketable skill you have, I want you to think real hard on what you REALLY WANT.
I heartily urge you to keep those desires at the back of your mind as you select and start your freelance work from home career. Keep it in mind as something you want to eventually do
As time goes by you will:
  • Gain confidence.
  • Get more and more experience.
  • Your knowledge level will soar if you want to seek out the thousands of free sources of internet business information.
  • Have a rapidly growing toolbox of skill sets.
How to find freelance work from home. There are many places claiming to to be able to sell you lists of companies and such.
I suggest you do a simple Google search on whatever you have in mind. Be aware that most of the stuff that comes up is garbage. Take your time and read through them. Make a list of your prime prospects and, before even contacting these places, go online to the Better Business Bureau. They have a long list of bad eggs and can advise you. They are nice folks to boot!
Next, and the most productive thing to do is do a forums search. Enter a Google or MSN search exactly like this including the quotes: "forums+freelance work+online+company name".
This will give you a pile of forums. The big deal here is that:
1. The replies are highly focused right down to the company name.
2.The people on the forums are not only doing what you are thinking of, but doing it for the exact company that has caught your attention.
3. These people have nothing to gain by misleading you.
4. Frequently, these people can give you ideas that you HADN'T EVEN THOUGHT OF!!
5.One important thing to remember is that doing business online, even freelance work from home is a different ballgame than anything you have done before.
6. So, you should desire for yourself to learn more and more. Most of what you need is available free online.
7. The internet is a vast ocean of opportunity. It is available to those who are willing to take the time to learn its secrets. And bring a bucket!
By the way, do you want to learn more about Freelance Work From Home? If so, download my brand new free ebook "Work From Home" here: Freelance Work From Home.
If you want to see more making extra money ideas, here is another article that will help you. Work From Home (home page).
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