If the main reason you are looking for this type of work is because you enjoy typing and think it would be an easy way to make a living, there are options that pay MUCH better and allow you to be your own boss. Doesn't the idea of working in your PJ's and setting your own schedule sound heavenly? It is!
Here are some ideas you should consider. In fact, I would venture to say that 80% of the people who make a TREMENDOUS amount of money online use these business models.
1. Affiliate marketing. Now, I know you are saying "but that's not data entry!" Well, when you consider what you need to do to become successful, it is. Typing articles and blog posts IS typing, and that is a large part of the work involved in affiliate marketing.
2. Blogging. What? I know you think this entire article is off the wall, but if you knew how many people make a six figure income every year by creating blogs and marketing products on them, you would forget you were ever searching for online data entry jobs from home. Again, blogging is typing, which is what you love!
These are a couple of examples of the absolute best opportunities to make money from home. Sure, you can go on looking for those "jobs", but in the unlikely event that you ever find it, most likely it will be months or years from now. Besides, the pay isn't nearly as lucrative!
Affiliate marketing and blogging require no previous experience, and anyone can do it. In fact, there are guides and ebooks all over the web that will take your hand and lead you step by step through the process. Online data entry jobs from home - who needs them? Make some REAL money, while putting those typing fingers to use!
Find out how super successful entrepreneurs make REAL money from home! Learn more about affiliate marketing, and how easily you can start making thousands per month. You will truly be amazed.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teresa_Tackett
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