Anyway, back to the present. I am assuming that unless you live in some far off remote private island with no human inhabitants, that you have access to a computer. I have also concluded that since you are still here that you can read. Well, today is your lucky day! All you need to be successful in affiliate marketing is access to a computer and the ability to read.
Let me explain how I learned about affiliate marketing. I was a stay at home mom. One day my husband lost his job and took another one which was not making ends meet for us. I searched online to find out about possible online jobs for stay at home moms. I was quickly bombarded with a load of 'become a millionaire today' and other get rich quick schemes. Some programs were so ridiculous that I almost gave up. Luckily, I searched on and found a company called Wealthy Affiliates. This program claimed to teach you how to become a successful affiliate marketer. I was thinking, what is an affiliate marketer? Upon further research of Wealthy Affiliates, I learned that an affiliate marketer is someone who basically builds websites to sell products online.
I was still very leery because I didn't know how to build a webpage and I had no products of my own to sell. Well I dug a little deeper and found that Wealthy Affiliates would teach me step by step how to build a website for virtually any product in existence. And I didn't need my own product because virtually every company online wants and needs affiliate marketers to promote their products for them. The reason for this is that it saves that company dollars in advertising. So it is a win win situation. I make money promoting products and the company saves money because I am promoting their product! And the greatest thing is that this is all FREE to me. It costs absolutely nothing to build a website and promote products online.
I wish that when I was in college I had an opportunity like affiliate marketing. I would have loved to stay in my PJ's all day pecking away at my computer instead of walking in the snow uphill both ways to the bagel shop I worked at... So, that is why I believe affiliate marketing is the absolutely best online jobs for college students.
Thanks so much for hearing my story. If you would like to learn more about how WA changed my life, click
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