There are so many questions to be answered, but the essential fact is that working from home provides a fabulous opportunity to earn a reasonable income for many different groups of people. Working from home is the perfect answer for mothers with young children as they are able to keep an eye on their offspring and make money at the same time. People with mobility problems are able to supplement their income by working part-time at an online job while sitting comfortably at their computer or even in bed with a laptop. Students are particularly suited to online jobs that can easily fit in around their studies. Working from home can also be the start of a new career for anyone currently unemployed.
I doubt there are many people in the part-time job market that would not prefer to work from home rather than travelling every day to an office. Of course, it's not suitable for everybody and it has to be said that some people need the discipline of having to attend an office at set times. Working from home requires a degree of determination, organisation and a self-imposed routine. There is also the problem of how you get paid. Working part-time for an organisation generally means that you receive a salary on a weekly or monthly basis, whereas working part-time at an online job from your own home can sometimes mean being paid on a results basis. Depending on the type of work you plan to undertake you might even have to find work from a variety of different online resources with no guarantee of a constant income. You might also find that you have to work at a lower rate of pay than you might be used to because of the level of competition. Against this, you will also have fewer expenses when you're working at home because obviously you don't have to commute, buy lunches, go for a drink after work or by work clothes.
Although you might be facing greater competition you also have the benefit of a worldwide marketplace in which to find work. A part-time job working at home online can attract work from anywhere in the world. It doesn't matter if your employer is based in India or California, Europe or the Far East, your work is received and returned via the Internet. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that your part-time job will give you total freedom or allow you to miss deadlines. You must act in a professional manner at all times and make sure that you achieve the objectives and the timeframes that you have agreed to. Your boss in an office would not tolerate a missed deadline and neither will your employer in the online world.
Professionalism extends beyond achieving deadlines and delivering high-quality work. You must also be professional with your online communications and make sure that you don't say something in an e-mail which might be misconstrued. Never say anything electronically that you would not say face-to-face.
Part-time work online is a great way to supplement your income, however, it is unlikely to make you a great deal of money in a short space of time. It is important therefore not to raise your expectations too high or put pressure on yourself to make a substantial amount of extra cash. To make really serious money online requires a great deal of determination and hard work over many hours, but a part-time online job is a great place to start.
Annette de la Haye is an online jobs expert. For more great information on online jobs, visit
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Work Online Academy | Working Online Resources
I really admire people who are out there working online, especially busy parents with a full schedule. Sometimes I go to different sources for help, whether it be for support, or leads generation, or to find out about new systems. I'd like to share my findings with those of you who are serious about working online. It can certainly work for anyone, it just takes knowing where to look and finding the right people who are already succeeding. The best to you!
The Hangout Network | Work Online Academy
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Work Online Academy | Moms Working from Home
I'm a stay at home mom who works online with my husband. You can find our Facebook/WorkWithMarkSoto page with earnings posted and other information about working from home. We give away free stuff and my husband mentors people in their online business. We're in ministry, so we know about financial needs. We work hard and share our simple strategies with others.
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