Sunday 13 May 2012

Legitimate Online Jobs For Teenagers

Many online jobs for teenagers have arisen is the past few years. These new jobs allow teens to work from home, school, or anywhere else that has internet access. These jobs are everywhere, and they can also be quite profitable. However, not every online employer is honest. Some companies will take advantage of teens who are searching for online jobs. Fortunately, once you are done reading through this article, you will know three legitimate jobs that you can do online.
1) Online surveys: I bet that you have heard that taking surveys online for pay is a scam. Generally, this actually is true. However, don't let the bad companies ruin this great job for you! If you do a search on Google for the best survey companies, you will find that many people have written articles on their favorite places to take surveys.
Once you have found a legitimate survey company, it is time for you begin your online job. Take at least one survey a day, and no more than five. I say no more than five only because if you do more than that you will become very bored of this online job. However, done in the right amounts, it can be quite enjoyable filling out paid surveys!
2) Make Your Own Website: Many people have built websites that make money for them every single month. That's because there e so many ways to earn money from your site. You can put ads on it, ask for donations, or put affiliate links on your web pages. If you do not know how to make a website, then I highly recommend you use Site Build It. This is a program that helps average people build their own websites.
Unfortunately, Site Build It costs $1 a day to use. This means that for the first few months you will actually lose money from building your website. But do not be discouraged, it will be worth it once you have finished your amazingly profitable website!
3) Freelancing: If you have computer skills, then I suggest you take this as your online job. Many people need assistance with HTML, photo editing, and many other computer related tasks. If you have proficiency any skill like this, then you could start earning top dollar as a freelancer. Just take a look through a freelance website, and I'm sure that you will find a suitable job.
There are many other online jobs for teenagers, but these three jobs are some of the best jobs that you will ever be able to find.
Thanks for reading! If you have questions, I recommend you read through my other article on online jobs for teenagers. I'm sure you will find a lot of valuable information in it.
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